Justin Hammond

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I am a software developer with over 8 years of professional experience in a variety of platforms and languages. I love digging into code, solving hard problems, and developing great applications. I have fully designed and implemented projects, as well as learned and maintained legacy systems. My experience ranges from working with large enterprise teams to startups with just a few members. I constantly strive to learn more and improve my skills by working on projects utilizing new frameworks or languages. I especially enjoy working with data, as well as graphics and rendering.

Please, take a look through my portfolio to see some of the projects I've worked on!



Python Codecamp


Completed a codecamp course that focused on full stack python web development. Studied a variety of technologies and frameworks including: Python, Flask, Django, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Vue. Planned, designed, implemented, and deployed multiple web applications during the course.



Contributed software engineering expertise in the development of products through the software lifecycle, from requirements definition through successful deployment. Developed software for a platform to visualize and manage the construction and operation of complex buildings such as data centers and airports. Introduced best practices and methodologies that enhanced product definition, release processes and customization of applications to user needs. Developed software using Agile methodology.

Research university


Developed application allowing researchers access to a system for laboratory animal care and use. Application ensured researchers stay within government compliance and federal regulations. Utilized JavaScript and C# to develop the application according to business requirements and QA standards.

Other experience

2011 - Present

Developed software for various freelance and contract positions using C#, Unity, JavaScript, Rails, HTML5, CSS3, and PHP. Created clean designs with flexible and scalable architecture. Used bleeding edge technology on a variety of project types from cross-platform games to web applications and services. Developed a demo application for DiliVer's M&A software solution. The intent of the application was to show potential investors what the application would look like, and the basic flow of the application. Created a voxel game framework for the Unity game engine. The framework is multi-threaded and can process more than 3 million voxels in a single scene, while running at well over 60fps. Founded and ran IndieTeamup.com as a community for independent game developers to discover, connect, and collaborate in order to form game development teams. While in beta we had over 5000 developers, artists, musicians, and other creatives using the site.



This was a social network for creatives in the game development space. It helped individuals and teams find other creatives in order to collaborate on projects.


A voxel framework for the Unity game engine. This framework allowed users to quickly and efficiently generate massive procedural worlds and render the voxel data as 'boxels'.

Tone's Adventure

Tone's Adventure is a small puzzle-platformer we made in Unity3D. It was a game-jam project made in about two weeks.


This project is a demo app I worked on for Diliver. This is a web app that was designed and completed for Diliver in order to pitch their product. This project allowed me to acquire new skills and refine some old ones.

Kill All The Things

A pure JavaScript and HTML5 canvas shoot 'em up game. This project was made for fun and to practice with the new (at the time) HTML5 canvas element.

Blackmodule's Minecraft Suite

A large custom mod suite for Minecraft circa 2012-2013. It included many custom items and blocks, custom weapons, magic staves with particle and block effects, and many other interesting features.


This project is a demo app I worked on for Meality. This is a mobile web app that was designed and completed in one weekend. It makes extensive use of animations to give a fluid feel. It is high resolution to give a nice visual aesthetic.